We will provide opportunities for you to learn about consistent life ethic issues through our educational talks, keep an eye on our instagram and facebook pages for the latest talk details!

  • Find out more with a focus on the medical practice of abortion and euthanasia:
Video - Dr. Anthony Levatino explains abortion procedures from the first to the third trimester.
Website - The Endowment for Human Development has excellent resources on their website showing foetal imaging.
Website - The Contends Project makes human embryology simple!
Website - Find what the UK abortion policy is for clinicians on the British Medical Association's site.

  • Pro-life apologetics from a philosophical angle:
Video - Philosophical approaches to Abortion with Dr. Callum Miller.
Article - Four pro life philosophers make the case against abortion.
Blog Post - why choice concerning euthanasia is an illusion.

  • Knowing the context and specifics around these laws is key. See below:
Summary - Roe vs. Wade.
Summary - Abortion laws in the UK.
Summary - Northern Irish abortion laws.

  • Get the facts:
Website - Find what the abortion law is in every country on the Centre for Reproductive Rights Website.

 Rehumanize International 
  • Organization that campaigns for a consistent nonviolent approach towards all human life, in all phases and circumstances. 
Rehumanize International's website.

 Live Action 
  • Organization that campaigns for pro-life initiatives, exposes the truth behind the abortion industry, and educates the public.
Live Action's website.
Live Action News' website.
Live Action's YouTube channel.

 Centre for Bioethical Reform United Kingdom (CBRUK) 
  • Group based in the UK that campaigns against abortion and works to educate the public.
CBRUK website.
CBRUK YouTube channel.

 Right to Life UK 
  • a charitable organization that works across education, media and politics to educate about the issues of abortion, euthanasia and embryo research.
Right to Life UK website.
Right to Life UK YouTube channel.

  • (Christian Action Research and Education) is a life-affirming UK-based charity. Find their educational resources about abortion linked here.
This page is specifically meant to give you some a quick introduction to an education on major pro-life topics. If you want to do a deeper dive into a specific topic, contact us at students4life@st-andrews.ac.uk. If you are looking for resources from specific organisations for crisis help, visit our RESOURCES page. 

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